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TOP自己紹介研究・教育領域著書 |論文 |講演等学会・社会的活動公的基金


1. Research for a set of minimal sufficient statistics and Yate's combined estimator for BIBD and GDPBIBD. Reports of Statistical Application Research, Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers(JUSE) 12, 115-126, 1965.

2. Types of incomplete block designs for factorial experiments. Rep. Statist. Appl. Res. JUSE 13, 12-28, 1966.

3. Estimating variance components in a two-way layout with unequal numbers of observations. Rep. Statist. Appl. Res., JUSE 13, 29-34, 1966.

4. A note on the design with two sets of block constraints. Rep. Statist. Appl. Res., JUSE 13, 50-53, 1966.

5. A note on the analysis of variance for a complete n-way layout. Rep. Statist. Appl. Res., JUSE 14, 21-24, 1966.

6. An approximate test for the case of random effects model in a two-way layout with unequal cell frequencies. Rep. Statist. Appl. Res., JUSE 15, 13-26, 1968.

7. Properties of the analysis of variance test for the fixed effects model in the unbalanced case. Rep. Statist. Appl. Res., JUSE 16, 44-59, 1969.

8. Zero and non-zero Lagrange multipliers in the least squares method. Rep. Statist. Appl. Res., JUSE 18, 105-114, 1971.

9. Multiple comparisons in a two-way layout. Rep. Statist. Appl. Res., JUSE 20, 1-10, 1973.

10. Multiple comparisons in a 2×k contingency table. Rep. Statist. Appl. Res., JUSE 21, 57-64, 1974.

11. Ordered alternatives for interaction effects. Biometrika 65, 561-570, 1978.

12. Multiple comparisons and grouping rows in a two-way contingency table. Rep. Statist. Appl. Res., JUSE 25, 1-12, 1978.

13. An F-approximation and its application. Biometrika 66, 577-584, 1979.

14. The cumulative chi-squares method and a Studentized maximal contrast method for testing an ordered alternative in a one-way analysis of variance model. Rep. Statist. Appl. Res., JUSE 26, 12-21, 1979.

15. The cumulative chi-squares method against ordered alternatives in two-way contingency tables. Rep. Statist. Appl. Res., JUSE 29(3), 1-13, 1982. (Coauthored by K.Takeuchi).

16. Use of cumulative efficient scores for testing ordered alternatives in discrete models. Biometrika 69, 567-577, 1982.

17. An approach to defining the pattern of interaction effects in a two-way layout. Annals Inst. Statist. Math. A 35, 77-90, 1983.

18. Defining the pattern of association in two-way contingency tables. Biometrika 70, 579-590, 1983.

19. Cumulative chi-squared statistic as a tool for testing goodness of fit. Biometrika 73, 165-173, 1986.

20. Optimal allocation of observations for inference on k orderd normal population means. Austral. J. Statist. 29, 151-165, 1987.(Coauthored by A. M. Herzberg).

21. A class of estimable contrasts in an age-period-cohort model. Annals Inst. Statist. Math. A 40, 451-465, 1988.

22. Discussion on the 'Critical look at accumulation analysis' by Hamada & Wu. Technometrics 32, 133-136, 1990.

23. An approach to comparing treatments based on repeated measures. Biometrika 78, 583-594, 1991.

24. Multiple comparison procedures based on the maximal component of the cumulative chi-squared statistic. Biometrika 79, 381-392, 1992. (Coauthored by S. Kuriki & A. J. Hayter).

25. Beyond analysis of variance techniques : Some applications in clinical trials. International. Statistical. Review. 61, 183-201, 1993.

26. Two-way change point model and its application. Austral. J. Statistics. 39, 205-218, 1997.

27. Isotonic inference. Encyclopedia of Biostatistics, 2107-2115, Ed. P. Armitage and T. Colton. John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1998.

28. Estimating odds ratios through the connected comparative experiments. Communications in Statistics, Theory and Methods 28, 905-929, 1999. (Coauthored by Y. Yamada).

29. A contribution to genome-wide association studies: search for susceptibility loci for schizophrenia using DNA microsatellite marks on chromosomes 19, 20, 21 and 22. Psychiatric Genetics 10, 139-143, 2000. (Coauthored by Y. Kitao et al.)

30. Simultaneous confidence intervals based on one-sided max t test. Statistics and Probability Letters 49, 25-37, 2000. (Coauthored by M. S. Srivastava).

31. An exact test for the association between the disease and alleles at highly polymorphic loci with particular interest in the haplotype analysis. Biometrics 57, 769-778, 2001. (Coauthored by S. Aoki et al.).

32. Change point analysis as a method for isotonic inference. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 29, 125-138, 2002. (Coauthored by K. Marumo).

33. On an optimal design for an isotonic inference. J. Statistical Planning Inference 102, 205-213, 2002.

34. Impact of ICH E9 Guideline Statistical Principles for Clinical Trials on the Conduct of Clinical Trials in Japan. Drug Information Journal 37, 381-395, 2003. (Coauthored by L. Hothorn).

35. Profile analysis of 24-hours measurements of blood pressure. Biometrics 59, 907-915, 2003. (Coauthored by E. Ohta, N. Hirose and K. Shimizu).

36. Discussion on the Roles of Statistics in the Life Sciences, International Statistical Review 73, 255-258, 2005.

37. A unifying approach to non-inferiority, equivalence and superiority tests via multiple decision processes, Pharmaceutical Statistics 6, 193-203, 2007

38. Clustering rows and/or columns of a two-way contingency table and a related distribution theory. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 53, 4508-4515, 2009.

39. Estimating the Dose-Response Pattern by the Maximal Contrast Type Test Approach. Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research 3, 40-53, 2011. (Coauthored by S. Yamamoto and L. Hothorn)

40. A unifying approach to the shape and change-point hypotheses in the discrete univariate exponential family. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 97,33-46,2016. (Coauthored by Y.Yamamoto and H.Tsuruta)

41. An algorithm for a new method of change-point analysis in the independent Poisson sequence. Biometrical Letters 54, 1-24, 2017. (Coauthored by H.Tsuruta)

42. Some useful multiple comparison procedures in the analysis of the two-way contingency table. (Coauthored by S.Yamamoto)



1. 二元配置で繰返し数が等しくない場合の解析について. 品質管理 18, 10, 48-53, 1967.

2. リッジ推定量の性質とその構成法. 品質管理 22, 8, 47-52, 1971. (笠井 正康と共著.)

3. 線形模型において線形の制約式がある場合の最小二乗法について. 日本工業経営学会誌 49, 1972.

4. システムの最適保全政策の設計について. 日本品質管理学会誌 3, 1, 17-23, 1973. (金丸 英幸,  朝香 鉄一と共著.)

5. 2xk分割表の分割. 日本品質管理学会誌 3, 2, 22-26, 1973.

6. 分割表における多重比較と水準の群分け. 日本品質管理学会誌 7, 2, 27-33, 1977.

7. 2元配置における傾向のある対立仮説と累積法. 日本品質管理学会誌 7, 4, 9-15, 1977.

8. F近似とその応用. 応用統計学会誌 6, 83-97, 1977.

9. 計数データに関する累積カイ二乗. 応用統計学会誌 8, 39-50, 1979. (竹内 啓と共著.)

10. 繰返しのない2元配置における交互作用に関する推測と誤差分散の推定. 日本品質管理学会誌 10, 3, 47-53, 1980.

11. 多重比較法による Bradley-Terry モデルの適合度検定. 日本品質管理学会誌. 13, 2, 37-45, 1983.

12. 順序制約下での多項分布比較の一方法と数表. 応用統計学会誌 12, 101-110, 1983. (会田 雅人と共著.)

13. Bradley-Terry モデルの順序効果がある場合への拡張. 日本品質管理学会誌 14, 1, 52-58, 1984.

14. 順序カテゴリの分割表における準対称モデルについて. 応用統計学会誌 13, 1-9, 1984.

15. 順序分割表における残差分析. 応用統計学会誌 14, 61-67, 1985.

16. 経時測定データの解析のためのモデルとその応用. 日本品質管理学会誌 19, 3, 16-23, 1989.

17. 累積カイ二乗の最大成分に基づく多重比較法−有意確率計算と用量水準比較への対応−. 応用統計学会誌 18, 129-141, 1989. (栗木 哲, A. J. Hayterと共著.)

18. 累積カイ二乗の最大成分に基づく多重比較−交互作用の場合−.  応用統計学会誌 19, 115-132, 1990. (栗木 哲と共著)

19. QCテクノロジー.  日本品質管理学会誌, 238-258, 1992.

20. 臨床試験の統計学的側面.  日本統計学会誌 22, 3, 475-492, 1993.

21. 2次元分割表における交互作用変化点モデルとその応用.  応用統計学会誌 24, 93-101, 1995.

22. 最大t法のための有意確率、検出力、例数設計計算アルゴリズム.  応用統計学会誌 26, 1-16, 1997. (西原 健自, 杉原 正顕と共著.)

23. 2項比率差に関する歪度修正信頼区間計算アルゴリズム−2群比較:層別解析の設定において−.  応用統計学会誌 26, 83-97, 1997. (橋本 和歌子, 西原 健自, 安達 絵里と共著.)

24. 薬剤疫学研究に有用なデータベース構築. 臨床評価 25, 119-147, 1998.

25. 2 x 2 x K 分割表に於ける単調仮説の検定. 応用統計学会誌 32,3, 2003.(大田 絵里、青木 敏と共著.)

26. 非劣性,同等性,優越性検証のための多重決定方式による統合的接近法. 日本統計学会誌 36,1, 37-44, 2006.

27. 分割表における行の多重比較法について. 応用統計学会誌 36,2, 1-17, 2007.

28. 研究環境.応用統計学会誌.47,2&3, 99-102, 2018
